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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Twitter Was Hacked By “Iranian Cyber Army.”
Updated | 11:19 a.m. As the blogger Michael Arrington reported on TechCrunch, Twitter was apparently attacked on Thursday night by a group identifying itself as the “Iranian Cyber Army.” A leading Iranian opposition Web site was also attacked, apparently by the same group.
The hackers redirected Twitter users to a Web page with the following message:
On both Twitter and the opposition Web site Mowjcamp, the message announcing the attack was accompanied by an image of a green flag. Green has been used in Iran recently as the color of the opposition movement, but it is also a color traditionally associated with Islam.
My colleague Nazila Fathi explains that the writing on the image which is not in English includes a line of Arabic script and the words “Ya Hussein” on the green flag, which is a reference to the prophet Muhammad’s grandson, who is revered in Iran. Further down the screen, there is a poem that says, roughly: ‘We will die if our leader orders us to fight, and if he wants, we will be patient and tolerant.’
On TechCrunch Mr. Arrington also reported that a Google search for Twitter briefly returned a result that said, in place of the site’s name: “This Web Site Has Been Hacked By Iranian Cyber Army.” That message is still appearing on Google for searchers looking for Mowjcamp.
A screenshot showing a Google search result for an Iranian opposition Web site on Friday.
According to one of Mr. Arrington’s sources, while the Google result for Twitter was showing that message in English, it was accompanied by a sub-heading in Persian which said, roughly, “In the name of God, as an Iranian this is a reaction to Twitter’s sly interference which was U.S. authorities ordered in the internal affairs of my country.”
At the height of the post-election demonstrations against Iran’s government in the summer, the State Department asked Twitter to postpone a scheduled interruption of the service for maintenance, after opposition supporters expressed fear that the disruption would interfere with their protests.
Regarding the Web attack on Twitter, Daniel Ionescu wrote on the PC World Web site that it could still turn out to be a hoax by a person or group simply posing as an Iranian group:
In Iran on Friday, as Reuters reports, supporters of the government attended public rallies the opposition decided to boycott. According to the news agency, pro-government crowds chanted slogans against the leader of country’s opposition, Mir Hussein Moussavi, including, “Death to Moussavi” and “Moussavi should be executed.”
As my colleague Jenna Wortham explains on our technology blog “Bits” this morning:
The hackers redirected Twitter users to a Web page with the following message:
Iranian Cyber ArmyAfter the attack was fended off late on Thursday in San Francisco, Biz Stone, one of Twitter’s founders, wrote on the company’s official blog:
U.S.A. Think They Controlling And Managing Internet By Their Access, But THey Don’t, We Control And Manage Internet By Our Power, So Do Not Try To Stimulation Iranian Peoples To….
Take Care.
Twitter’s DNS records were temporarily compromised tonight but have now been fixed. As some noticed, was redirected for a while but API and platform applications were working. We will update with more information and details once we’ve investigated more fully.Twitter has been an important tool for the opposition movement in Iran this year. Following the disputed presidential election there in June, as the country’s government sought to contain mass protests on the streets and online, threatening messages started to appear on the site from at least one user who claimed to be part of a cyber-unit of the country’s Revolutionary Guards Corps, established to fight enemies of the government.
On both Twitter and the opposition Web site Mowjcamp, the message announcing the attack was accompanied by an image of a green flag. Green has been used in Iran recently as the color of the opposition movement, but it is also a color traditionally associated with Islam.
My colleague Nazila Fathi explains that the writing on the image which is not in English includes a line of Arabic script and the words “Ya Hussein” on the green flag, which is a reference to the prophet Muhammad’s grandson, who is revered in Iran. Further down the screen, there is a poem that says, roughly: ‘We will die if our leader orders us to fight, and if he wants, we will be patient and tolerant.’
On TechCrunch Mr. Arrington also reported that a Google search for Twitter briefly returned a result that said, in place of the site’s name: “This Web Site Has Been Hacked By Iranian Cyber Army.” That message is still appearing on Google for searchers looking for Mowjcamp.
At the height of the post-election demonstrations against Iran’s government in the summer, the State Department asked Twitter to postpone a scheduled interruption of the service for maintenance, after opposition supporters expressed fear that the disruption would interfere with their protests.
Regarding the Web attack on Twitter, Daniel Ionescu wrote on the PC World Web site that it could still turn out to be a hoax by a person or group simply posing as an Iranian group:
The reasoning behind the attack is not known as of yet. The group was previously unknown, and some speculate this attack was carried out by pranksters, rather than pro-Iranian campaigners. Graham Cluley, from the Sophos security firm, writes on his blog that the message posted “does not necessarily mean that hackers from Iran are responsible for the defacement.”For the non-experts among us, Mr. Cluley explains on his blog:
DNS records work like a telephone book, converting human-readable website names like into a sequence of numbers understandable by the internet. What seems to have happened is that someone changed the lookup, so when you entered into your browser you were instead taken to a website that wasn’t under Twitter’s control.At time of writing on Friday morning, Twitter seems to be functioning normally, but the opposition site Mowjcamp remains blocked.
In Iran on Friday, as Reuters reports, supporters of the government attended public rallies the opposition decided to boycott. According to the news agency, pro-government crowds chanted slogans against the leader of country’s opposition, Mir Hussein Moussavi, including, “Death to Moussavi” and “Moussavi should be executed.”
As my colleague Jenna Wortham explains on our technology blog “Bits” this morning:
Not long ago, service outages and interruptions on Twitter were frequent enough that the cutesy graphic of a whale being carried by a flock of birds that appeared when the site was down earned the nickname “Fail Whale” by users.*A note on the terminology used to describe the attack on Twitter: since several readers complained that it was inaccurate to describe an attack like this one as a “hack,” we altered the headline to match the language already used in the post itself, which did not use that word to describe the attack that temporarily made it impossible to access the site and redirected users to the page set up by the “Cyber Army.”
But in recent months the site has done much better.
The last major outage occurred in August, when a two-pronged wave of attacks crippled the service, leaving it completely inaccessible by users for an entire day.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Watch Snookie Punched Video Online
I have posted a lot about Snookie Punched Video recently! Many people watched the video. How about you? Have you watched it already or not yet? Watch it now at the link below! Get to know who is Brad Ferro and watch the Jersey Shore punch scene!
What are you waiting for? Watch it now!
Watch the full videos of this story at the URL below, just copy and paste the URL below to your address bar now:
What are you waiting for? Watch it now!
Watch the full videos of this story at the URL below, just copy and paste the URL below to your address bar now:
Drunk 4-Year-Old Steals Christmas Presents
4 Year Old Drunk,Drunk 4 Year Old:Drunk 4 year old steals Christmas presents sounds more like a holiday fable than a news story. In reality, a drunk 4 year old from Tennessee did attempt to take presents. Let’s find out more about this drunk 4 year old who acted much like the Grinch.
Imagine how the Hamilton County mom felt when she discovered her son Hayden was missing. Then to learn the drunk 4 year old who stole the neighbor’s presents from under the Christmas tree was your own! The door was unlocked and he walked right in.
April Wright is going through a divorce with Hayden’s dad, who is in prison. Somehow he wound up in a little girl’s dress, drinking a beer after taking 5 wrapped presents. The drunk 4 year old panicked his mom and had to have his stomach pumped. Hayden got past all the child safety devices installed at home!recently i have found 4 year old drunk children yotube video are below here
Imagine how the Hamilton County mom felt when she discovered her son Hayden was missing. Then to learn the drunk 4 year old who stole the neighbor’s presents from under the Christmas tree was your own! The door was unlocked and he walked right in.
April Wright is going through a divorce with Hayden’s dad, who is in prison. Somehow he wound up in a little girl’s dress, drinking a beer after taking 5 wrapped presents. The drunk 4 year old panicked his mom and had to have his stomach pumped. Hayden got past all the child safety devices installed at home!recently i have found 4 year old drunk children yotube video are below here
Drunk 4 Year Old,
How the Grinch Stole Christmas,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tyson Gets Schooled By Snooki, Now Knows ‘The Situation’ » MTV Remote Control Blog
Monday, December 14, 2009
New 911 Videos ,What Really Happend
Well Today is the Time we remmebr what happened 8 yrs ago in DC , alo of us still wonder what really happend on 911 or as we say Spet 11 Attackes
Bush is gone and until now we are all still searching the truth about this big attack which has forced all of us to face a lot of unexcpedted changes in our life, finance, security , jobs and even familes
A lot of amercians and other nationalites have been lost in this big tragedy which has been planned by Bin Laden and his group
We all heared alot and alot of stories and reviews and investaignation
Bush is gone and until now we are all still searching the truth about this big attack which has forced all of us to face a lot of unexcpedted changes in our life, finance, security , jobs and even familes
A lot of amercians and other nationalites have been lost in this big tragedy which has been planned by Bin Laden and his group
We all heared alot and alot of stories and reviews and investaignation
Your Facebook Details Will Be Indexed By Google !
There isn't much privacy left in social media. Even when there are privacy settings, such as those that really aren't working on Facebook, nothing you do or say on the web is really private. Facebook fans: prepare to get indexed into the wild world of Google.
People you might not even know, and quite possibly those you never liked, may find you and know more about you than you thought you were sharing. Best to stop saying horrible things about your boss on Facebook -- your pictures, updates and "Are you a drunken sailor" quizzes may just be more searchable than you think.
Web Indexing: A simple way to make information on a web site easier to find.
Right now, unless you set your privacy settings correctly on Facebook, you're wide open to the web and search engines such as Google and Bing. No one at Facebook is really going to tell you how to change that. Instead they've put up a notice that you should check your privacy settings. That doesn't tell you much.
Here's how to stop getting indexed on the web if you can't possibly give up Facebook:
Go to your Facebook profile
Go to the "Settings" page
The click on "Privacy Settings"
Go to "Search"
There is then a toggle switch that gives you the option that allows indexing.
Switch THAT to "NO" immediately or expect the latest news about how much you hate your co-worker to spread all over the web.
Twitter, which recently landed a deal with Bing to index tweets, is now making Facebook want to do the same ... hence the "indexing" madness. So, now instead of having just your insane tweets spread around cyberspace, your Facebook updates will head in that direction, too.
Not a great idea. It might be a good time to change those privacy settings that Facebook has been talking about before the wrong person sees that photo with you with the lampshade on your head.
Srouce Huliq News
MTV's Jersey Shore Episodes
MTV's Jersey Shore Episodes will air December 4rd and profile the "hottest, tannest, craziest Guidos" all in one house. I would embed the trailer video for you, or you could just Click Here to watchh it.
All you really need to know is that it consists of a lot of "if you're a hater, I've got a full time job for you" and a girl who claims she "invented this friggin poof." Insert BumpIt joke here.
Oh, and I'm not even kidding about any of this. This is really happening, and yes, I'm declaring a national emergency against the Shore of New Jersey. That being said, I'd like to call forth everyone in uniform to prepare for attack. This includes armed forces, members of the military, national guard, peace corp, police men, fire fighters, veterans, parole officers, psychiatrists, postal workers, leader dogs for the blind, girl scouts, cub scouts, pizza delivery guys, UPS workers, construction workers, astronauts, catholic school girls, Merry Maids, bus drivers, and chef's to join together and put forth a movement to separate the Jersey shore from the rest of the United States of America. Long live the Guido... on an island far, far away.
All you really need to know is that it consists of a lot of "if you're a hater, I've got a full time job for you" and a girl who claims she "invented this friggin poof." Insert BumpIt joke here.
Oh, and I'm not even kidding about any of this. This is really happening, and yes, I'm declaring a national emergency against the Shore of New Jersey. That being said, I'd like to call forth everyone in uniform to prepare for attack. This includes armed forces, members of the military, national guard, peace corp, police men, fire fighters, veterans, parole officers, psychiatrists, postal workers, leader dogs for the blind, girl scouts, cub scouts, pizza delivery guys, UPS workers, construction workers, astronauts, catholic school girls, Merry Maids, bus drivers, and chef's to join together and put forth a movement to separate the Jersey shore from the rest of the United States of America. Long live the Guido... on an island far, far away.
Italian American,
New Jersey,
Travel and Tourism,
United States
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